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                                                             Plural: these / those

We use this (singular) and these (plural) as pronouns:

- to talk about people or things near us:

This is a nice cup of tea.
Whose shoes are these?

- to introduce people:

This is Janet.
These are my friends, John and Michael.

We don’t say These are John and Michael.
We say This is John and this is Michael.

- to introduce ourselves to begin a conversation on the phone:

Hello, this is David, Can I speak to Sally?
Why do we use that and those?

We use that (singular) and those (plural):

- to talk about things that are not near us:

What’s that?
This is our house, and that’s Rebecca’s house over there.
Those are very expensive shoes.

- We also use that to refer back to something someone said or did:
- Shall we go to the cinema?
- Yes, that’s a good idea.
- I’ve got a new job.
- That’s great.
- I’m very tired.
- Why is that?
Resultado de imagen para singular these those


I desire a lot of things in life, but the most important is happiness.

The little things in life don't worry me.

The maintenance department has a long list of thingsto accomplish

After all, modern economies are stable and stubbornthings.

Resultado de imagen para things in english


Adjectives are describing words, such as blue, angry, cold, dry and hard. Technically, an adjective is described as modifying or quantifying a noun or pronoun, but an easier way to look at the definition of adjectives is that an adjective tells us more and gives us extra information about something. For example, if someone said: “It’s a warm day”, the adjective warm is giving us extra information about the noun day. What are adjectives? Adjectives are words that make sentences more interesting and add spice to writing.


Jason gave me a piercing look before he shut the open

The Titanic was a great movie, but it was long and sad!

Lauren has excellent managerial skills and is a superb listener.

Resultado de imagen para adjectives in english

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