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                                                                     The world

                                                            Numbers 21-100

                                                       Possessive adjectives

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Possessive adjectives are used to show ownership.

mi libro
my book

tu pluma
your pen

There are five possessive adjectives.



Three possessive adjectives (mi, tu, su) have only two forms, singular and plural.




Possessive adjectives agree with the nouns they modify. That is, they agree with the thing possessed, not the possessor.
mi libromy bookmis librosmy bookstu plumayour pentus plumasyour pens

Mi, tu and su do not have masculine and feminine forms. They stay the same, regardless of the gender of the nouns they modify.

mi amigo
mi amiga

tus hermanos
tus hermanas

su libro
sus plumas

Mi means “my” ; tu means “your.”

Mi casa es tu casa.
My house is your house.

Su, like tu, can mean “your.” The difference between your (tu) and your (su) lies in the degree of formality the speaker wishes to convey.

Mi casa es tu casa.
(speaking to someone you would address as “tú”)

Mi casa es su casa.
(speaking to someone you would address as “usted”)

Note: The two words “tu” and “tú” are pronounced the same. Tú (with the written accent) is the subject pronoun meaning “you” (informal). Tu (without the written accent) is the possessive adjective meaning “your” (informal).

Su has four meanings: his, her, their and your (formal).

María busca a su hermana.
María is looking for her sister.

Juan busca a su hermana.
Juan is looking for his sister.

Ellos buscan a su hermana.
They are looking for their sister.

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