Ingles temas del 17 y 18


This free audio lesson is on colors in Spanish. The colors are probably one of the groups of words that you will use most frequently when speaking Spanish. You will use them to describe just about anything and you will be surprised how often knowing the colors in Spanish is required.}

Anaranjado - Orange
Amarillo - Yellow
Azul - Blue
Rojo - Red
Verde - Green
Negro - Black
Marrón, Café - Brown
Rosado - Pink
Morado - Purple
Blanco - White
Resultado de imagen para colors in english


A working definition for the word “modify” is to change or to alter something. This definition is the same when considering the purpose of modifiers within a sentence.

A modifier changes, clarifies, qualifies, or limits a particular word in a sentence in order to add emphasis, explanation, or detail. Modifiers tend to be descriptive words, such as adjectives and adverbs. Modifier phrases, such as adjective clauses and adverbial phrases, also exist and tend to describe adjectives and adverbs.

To illustrate the power of modifiers, consider the following simple sentence:

Sarah was a sure fit for junior prom queen.

Now consider the same sentence with multiple modifiers added:

The blonde girl named Sarah, who was a foreign exchange student from England, quickly climbed the ladder of popularity during her junior year, smiling her way through cheerleading and an ASB presidency term she inched near the top and was a sure fit as junior prom queen.

The additional details in the sentence, by way of modifiers, engage the reader and hold their attention.

Like most writing techniques, modifiers can be brilliant when used correctly and effectively. On the other hand, if a modifier is used incorrectly, the meaning of the sentence can become blurred or distorted. This is true with dangling modifiers and other problematic modifiers.
Resultado de imagen para modifiers

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